School Policies

English Private School Kalba

Teaching and Learning Policy


At English Private School Kalba we are committed to the provision of a broad and balanced learning experience for our children, with opportunities for everyone to feel successful and shine in their own way.  We know that there is also a place for unexpected and planned breaks from routine to keep things fresh and exciting.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a practical document which will facilitate successful, varied and consistent teaching and learning across the school.  It will be the first document given to new teachers joining the school and will reference them to other policies. Teacher  feedback will play an important part in reviewing the success of this policy and making improvements.

There is a teaching and learning section within the Early Years Policy with which teachers at KG should be familiar. This Teaching and Learning policy relates particularly to, but of course there will be overlaps withKG.

Effective Teaching

We believe that effective teaching happens when;

  1. Lessons are planned to make children learn and make good to outstanding progress
    - the less able have appropriate work planned for them, tasks are scaffolded to give them support or they work with adult support on more challenging tasks.
    - planning considers the needs of the more able.
    -     children experience a balance of realistic challenges and are given time to consolidate learning.
    -     the children are clear and understand what they are being asked to do and the

success criteria their work will be judged upon because learning objectives are shared and an explicit learning question is posed and referenced.
-     Learners are given feedback, which relates to the learning objectives and their personal targets and time is allowed for them to respond to their feedback.
-    learners make good to outstanding progress
-    teachers and teaching assistants are actively involved in supporting children’s learning and these activities are planned for in detail.

  1. Different learning styles are considered in teachers’ planning.
    - the visual learner (lots of things to see to stimulate visual memory).
    - the auditory learner (the chance to hear, explore and discuss ideas)
    -     the kinaesthetic learner (the learner that needs to get up and do things).
    The tendency is to neglect the kinaesthetic/tactile learner if one is not careful and many boys are mainly kinaesthetic learners!

  2. Teachers also plan for learners to experience working in different groupings
    - same gender/mixed gender
    - friendship
    -     ability/mixed ability
    -     pairs
    -     small groups
    -     whole class
    -     individual

  3. Teachers are clear about what they are teaching
    - they have good knowledge of the subject and the necessary key skills for that year group.
    - they understand the next steps learners will need to take in their learning and implement them as soon as possible.
    -     they undertake training to improve their own skills and to keep up-to-date with curriculum news and changes and seek advice from subject/aspect leaders.
    -     they reflect on formal and informal assessments made, data gathered and plan future work accordingly.

  4. There is a balance in curriculum areas so that
    - all learners get the chance to make good progress
    - the days are varied and stimulating.
    -     children become more rounded individuals and lifelong learners

  5. Teachers relate well to their pupils when
    - they consider the needs of the individual (these may be cultural, social, behavioural and emotional, as well as special educational needs and pupils who speak English as an additional language).
    - they have clear high expectations of every child irrespective of race, ethnicity, cultural background or race
    -     they are reflective about their relationships with children and adapt accordingly (different children need different strategies).
    -     They care! (Their actions make clear to learners that they care e.g. they get to know children as individuals, they welcome them back if they’ve been away, they deal with inappropriate behaviour professionally and sensitively without affecting the child’s self esteem.
    -     they try not to make assumptions about children and never close down possibilities for a child
    -     they have a good relationship with parents and work with them to improve outcomes for the children.

  6. The teacher has established and maintains a good working atmosphere
    - the class is well behaved.
    - the children are motivated and productive.
    -     children have some scope to make their own choices and use their own ideas.
    -     resources are readily accessible.
    -     the children know what to do when they have finished.

  7. The classroom is well organised and stimulating. (See classroom management sections)

  8. ALL Teachers and Teaching Assistants act as good role models, for example:
    - their use of Standard English.
    - how they treat other adults, visitors and children.
    -     how they solve problems and put things right.
    -     how to go about a piece of work (e.g. modelling writing for children).

Effective Learning

“Some people say learning when they mean teaching!” (Bill Lucas 2004).  Learning is a voluntary activity for a child - that is the challenge of the teacher to motivate that voluntary activity.

For a child to learn effectively, they need

  • - to be emotionally ready.
  • - to be physically ready (especially for writing).
  • - to feel good about themselves.
  • - to be interested and motivated.
  • - to have a range of learning strategies and know what to do when they are stuck.
  • - to harness the full range of their intelligence.
  • - to be able to release their creativity.
  • - to have time learning and to reflect upon their learning. (Learning shouldn’t be overly compartmentalised - learners need time to evolve work. A maxim would be ‘do less better’.)

Children need opportunities to learn in different ways.  For example;

  • - problem solving and investigation.
  • - fieldwork and educational visits.
  • -
  • - drama and role play.
  • - T. based learning.

A child does not perform well under too much stress.  They need;

  • - to be learning things suitable for their age and ability.
  • - to feel ‘safe’ about sharing their ideas in the classroom environment.
  • - to be confident about experimenting with their learning.
  • - to feel that their work and contributions are valued.
  • - to learn in an atmosphere of respect and trust.
  • - to have consistency in teaching and expectation.
  • - to feel they are treated fairly.
  • - constructive feedback and positive responses.
  • - an ethos of working to their personal best.


Teachers should show children that learning is a continuous process - adults don’t know everything!  We are all lifelong learners.

Effective learners  take some responsibility for their own learning.

Therefore we try to involve them in

  • - assessing what they have learnt.
  • - how they learn best.
  • - what makes it difficult for them to learn.
  • - what they can use to support their learning.
  • - asking questions and negotiating tasks (e.g. “Can we write a poem instead?”)These may relate to Assessment for learning questions of the week.
  • - asking for help or clarification when they need it.

Effective learning happens when there is a sense of pace to lessons, so that the children’s attention doesn’t drift.


Effective learning happens when the school and the parents work together and give consistent messages to the children.


Use of Teaching assistants

T.A.s are used to support children in a variety of ways.

  • - to support specific groups or individuals identified by the teacher (e.g. for literacy, numeracy or behaviour).
  • - to help children stay ‘on task’ during whole class work.
  • - to supervise and support the other children while the teacher targets a specific group in the classroom.
  • - to reinforce concepts introduced by the teacher.
  • - to work with children with special needs (according to their IEP targets, work provided by the Special Needs Teacher or by the class teacher).
  • - to support classes in the ICT Suite.
  • - To complete a daily obervation/assessment sheet on individuals/groups that they work with.

We find the most successful use of TAs includes

  • - the teacher giving them clear objectives to work to.
  • - clear verbal or written instructions.
  • - groups of no more than six children (though this differs Reception e.g. when the T.A. is supervising outdoor play).
  • - training for the T.A. and constructive feedback from the class teacher about their work.
  • - time to liaise with the teacher e.g. to feedback observations and to plan (although we recognise that this is often difficult to manage).


T.A.s have an entitlement to performance management and class teachers will lead on this..

Working With Other Teaching Staff

Class teachers work alongside a variety of other teachers and have a shared responsibility to Consult with phase partners and social workers to ensure consistency across the age group.  For example

Liaise with additional needs teachers for example to

  • - set/review IEP targets
  • - share relevant information on children
  • - share concerns/successes
  • - request testing or increased input


           For further details please see the Special Educational Needs/Inclusion Policy.

Classroom Management

Arrangement of the Classroom

The layout of the classroom should facilitate easy access of movement for children and adults and should promote children’s growing independence in locating resources as they progress through the school.

The areas that we’ve agreed should be clearly defined in every classroom are;


  • - an inviting and well organised book area
  • - writing resources area
  • - maths resources area
  • - art/D.T. area
  • - ICT area
  • - science resources area
  • - Word walls (including key writing targets for the year group)
  • - numeracy reference area (including key objectives for the year group)
  • - display related to current topic


In KG, there could also be;


  • - a carpet area, next to the fixed white board
  • - a home corner linked to a changing curriculum focus e.g. shop, surgery, rain forest
  • - a canopy to provide a defined reading area

          (see the Early Years Policy for areas that should be defined in Foundation             stage)


The children’s table arrangements may vary, but should enable the children to;


  • - see the board clearly (as age appropriate)
  • - have access to focus group teaching
  • - be in the clear view of the teacher
  • - move around the room freely


We think it is important that children have opportunity to work in;


  • - ability
  • - mixed ability
  • - gender
  • - mixed gender
  • - and friendship groups

What needs to be ready for the beginning of the year

  • - the areas of the classroom set up and labelled (as defined above)
  • - class label on the door
  • - children’s learning books collected from the stock cupboard
  • - Home Learning folders and record sheets
  • - reading records folder
  • - children’s pencils/ pens
  • - class timetable in place and on display/visual timetable (including extra adults/children going out)
  • - playground duty rota on display
  • - Weekly palnning


  • - welcome letter to the parents from the principal
  • - the correct number of tables and chairs
  • - initial seating plan
  • - an awareness of the children in the class and any medical needs


Once the room is well organised, the children should take an active part in keeping the room tidy and feel encouraged to take pride in their classroom.


Class expectations and developing a constructive working atmosphere


With a new class, we feel that it is important to spend time on establishing the teacher’s expectations, explaining routines and drawing up class rules with the children.  This needs regular reinforcement at the beginning and should be consistently applied.


Class rules should be drawn up and displayed in the first week.  They should be expressed positively where possible.  treatment (courtesy, manners and respect)

  • - communication (hands up, “partner-voices”, positive language, active listening)
  • - learning (co-operation and support, use of resources, how to fairly utilise teacher assistance)
  • - movement (walking not running , orderly entry/exit to classroom, personal space, sensible movement)
  • - problem solving (settling problems peacefully, using teacher assistance, using classroom meetings for resolving common concerns)

A copy of the school rules should be displayed in the classroom.


Routines that need establishing include;

  • - fire drill
  • - lining up/leaving the classroom in an orderly manner
  • - where to line up for assembly
  • - walking around the room
  • - sitting quietly on the carpet
  • - putting up their hand/turn-taking
  • - where to put things e.g. their belongings, drinks, folders
  • - returning resources to the right place
  • - clearing up
  • - going to the toilet
  • - taking the register folder to the office (if online fails)
  • - where packed lunch baskets go and when
  • - drinks and snacks rules
  • - home spellings/phonics
  • - home time procedures
  • - acceptable noise levels
  • - etiquette for assembly
  • - the setting out of learning
  • - what to do if they are late


Health & Safety issues in the Classroom - See also the H&S Policy


The class teacher is responsible for the following aspects of health and safety in their classroom;


  • - making sure fire exits are clear
  • - explaining fire drill procedures
  • - calling the cleaners to deal with sick/urine/blood
  • - making sure spillages are cleared up (e.g. of drinks)
  • - reporting damaged furniture, flooring etc. to the Premises Officer
  • - completing risk assessment for trips and getting them signed off by the Visits Coordinator (see Risk Assessment File in staffroom)
  • - making sure important medical information about a child is shared with other teachers and teaching assistants
  • - teaching children to hold/carry scissors correctly
  • - teaching children about electrical safety
  • - making sure that children who have wet or soiled themselves are dealt with sensitively and promptly (if you know that they have!)
  • - explaining the safe use of PE or outdoor play equipment
  • - make sure children use classroom equipment safely


Children who are injoued during playtime must be sent to clinic.If a child is ill or hurt during lesson time, send him/her to the clinic.

Children’s Exercise Books

An agreement on the type of exercise books to be used by the children is made by the SLT so that there is consistency across the school Liaise with coordinators


All children must be taught to value the recording of their work, both as a record of their achievement and as evidence of consistently meeting the standards and expectations set.  They must be expected and encouraged to take pride in their work and to see their work as valued by all

members of the community.


Children need to be taught;


  • - how to identify the front of their book/folder ‘the right way round’.
  • - to always use the pages in order in their exercise book.
  • - once using lined books by Year 1, to write on the lined page rather than on the plain page.
  • - to write from left to right in English and right to left in Arabic
  • - to start on the left or right hand side of the page and continue to start each new line on the left hand side (unless a specific alternative layout is appropriate for a specific piece of work).
  • - to know where to write the date and title (as appropriate to age group). Children should be given regular opportunities to practise writing both the long and short date. (e.g. long date in writing books, short date in maths, science and topic books.)
    In the juniors, the children should be taught to underline dates and titles with a ruler.
  • - how to stick work into their exercise books.
  • - that their exercise books are only used for recording work associated with their task and for no other mark making/doodling/scribbling.
  • - how to put their work into folders when appropriate.
  • - how to plan their work with an awareness of presentation.
  • - in grades 1 & 2, to write in pencil, with some opportunity for them to use writing pens e.g. for handwriting and ‘best’ work. In years 3-6 to write in black pen at all times. .  Pencils are used for drawings and diagrams inin years 3-6.  Rulers are to be used for graphs etc.
  • - that felt tip pens are used for illustrations, poster, bookmaking etc. on paper. They are not used in exercise books.
  • - about margins - these are introduced at the beginning of year 3 and by Year 5 and 6 they should be used to working with margins.
  • - to put one line through mistakes in their exercise books.
  • - to use erasers when they need to, but overuse is discouraged.
  • - that tippex can be used by the teacher at their discretion for mistakes in children’s best work, but that they are expected to take care to make their work as good as it can be.
  • - to use double spacing for first drafts of writing when asked by the teacher.


Involving Children In Their Own Learning

We encourage children to take some responsibility for their own learning, to be involved in reviewing their progress and the way they learn best, what helps them learn and what makes it difficult for them to learn.  Where we can, we think it is important also to build-in elements of choice within a task and to provide opportunities for children to plan their own time/learning.


Some opportunities for self-evaluation


  • - Plenaries - children make judgements about how well they have performed in relation to key learning targets for that lesson or that block of work (core subjects especially). This might involve use of W.W.W. and/or E.B.I.
  • - Evaluation of a particular piece of work e.g. a written evaluation of the success of a project
  • - End of half term assessments - children see how well they have performed in more formal testing situations (with sensitivity in terms of feedback e.g. may not want to show them their paper if they achieved badly).
  • - Time given to read the teacher’s marking comments.
  • - The achievement of a class target and setting of a new target through discussion.


Examples of questions which guide self evaluation.


  • - What did you learn?
  • - What did you find easy/difficult?
  • - Where did you get stuck?
  • - What helped you get out of the difficulty?
  • - What are you most pleased with?
  • - What do you need more help with?


We believe too, that children can be involved in a broader sense with improving the quality of their education.  For example

  • - Through School Council they can contribute to decisions about the running of the school, helping to improve it.
  • - Through Circle Time they can speak about issues, explore concerns, develop relationships and a sense of belonging. They also listen to others and experience reflection.


For further information please see the Assessment Policy


The Role of Governors and Parents


The Role of Parents


We believe that parents have a fundamental role to play in helping children to learn.  We aim to inform parents about what and how their children are learning by:


  • - Sending information to parents at the start of each term in which we outline the topics that the children will be studying at school.
  • - Reporting on children’s progress at Parents Evenings and discussing targets for improvement. (See Assessment Policy)
  • - Explaining to parents how they can support their child with home learning activities


We believe that parents have the responsibility to support their children and the school in implementing the school policies.  We would like parents to:


  • - Ensure that their child has the best attendance and punctuality record possible.
  • - Ensure that their child is equipped for school e.g. with the correct P.E. kit.
  • - Do their best to keep their child healthy and fit to attend school.
  • - Inform school if there are matters outside of school that are likely to affect a child's behaviour or performance at school.
  • - Promote a positive attitude towards school and learning in general.
  • - Fulfil the requirements set out in the home/school agreement.

For further information please see the Home Learning Policy.


The Role of Governor


Our Governors support, monitor and review the school policies on teaching and learning.  In particular they have responsibility for

  • - allocating resources effectively to support good teaching and learning
  • - ensuring that the school buildings and premises are supportive of successful teaching and learning.
  • - monitoring how effective teaching strategies in terms of raising pupil attainment.
  • - ensuring that staff development and performance management policies promote good quality teaching.
  • - contributing to the school improvement planning and reviewing process.


Adapted by G Couram


National curriculum and school curriculum subjects

The National Curriculum core and foundation subjects are governed by statutory programmes of study.  These can be found on the QCA website at and set out in broad terms what knowledge, skills and understanding should be covered in the subject at each Key Stage. The National Curriculum core and foundation subjects and when they must be taught are set out below. 


Statutory National Curriculum Core (C) and Foundation (F) subjects


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4 






Year groups





English (C)





Mathematics  (C)





Science  (C)





Design and technology  (F)





ICT  (F)





History  (F)





Geography  (F)





Modern Foreign Languages  (F)





Art and design  (F)





Music  (F)





Physical education  (F)





Citizenship   (F)







For all key stages, two hours of physical activity a week is recommended, which includes the National Curriculum requirement for PE and extra-curricular activities. Competitive games activities are compulsory throughout key stages 1 to 3.

The DCSF recommends that personal, social and health education should be taught at every Key Stage.